Financial Jealousy
Well, there are people who earn more than 20k per mth while being a student. Some others can drive around in porche or BMWs. Some own food chains. Whereas some others are on scholarships that give 5 times more money than what I get. Me? I'm taking in 1.1k per mth. People tell me that's a lot. And I myself know that that is a lot. But sometimes i want to feel how it is like to live on the high side, to be rich.
Hoping one day got some friend will decide to start a business and I can go along with him or her and we can make it big. Really big. I don't want to feel guilty about earning the money. I want to do it right. I've got many ideas but don't know how to go about doing it. Guess I will just go research more into what the Chemical industry needs and start a company doing just that. Maybe my course mates would want to do it together.
I know some people get lesser than me per month, I know I am being an ass, but sometimes... people just dream weird stuff... hope no one would mind this entry.
The greatest parodies of life?
We have more convenieces but less time
More money but less freedom
Have smaller families but want bigger homes
Add years to our lives but not life to our years
Want more but use less
But in the end, we still die... is it all worth it?