ben's place

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let's go Hall 2!

Finally cheerleading is over... with a team of mainly freshies and 1 senior flier, we formed a team of 9 guys and 9 girls

1. Zhengwen (Cheer I/C)
2. Shawn (Cheer I/C)
3. Charlene
4. Xiangting
5. Xinyi
6. Zhixian
7. Wanqi
8. Gavin
9. Yee Han
10. Yuan Kai
11. Xing Wei
12. Jialiang
13. Lionel
14. Anabelle
15. Shin
16. Wendy
17. Lyn
18. Myself

Our mascot Janice

and our 2 spotters Chen nee and Basil

The mascot and from 1 to 12 are all year 1s. Lionel and Anabelle just joined this year, Lyn was the only one who really flew last year. With this, the many IHG games going on at the same time (being hall 2, we were still in most games), IVP ppl going for their trainings (ya.. being a sports based hall, we had ppl in IVP teams), IHRG (yes... i played a lot of games), always being late for trainings, OMC meetings (so very often), hall production rehearsals, and many more... but we came down together to train with the little time we had and we made it possible... and guess what...

WE GOT TOP 5!!!!

I am damn proud of you guys... super duper damn ultra proud. no one could have asked for a better more fun and bonded team. at first i thought i wouldn't be able to click with you all well and i thought it would have been like last year, cheer finish and never talk to those cheerleaders ever again but this year it seems different. I'm gald to be part of the team and really hope to cheer with you all again!

Ben Teo


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