ben's place

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

another story...

well... if it wasnt bad enough... he might just be the 1st person to fail the electives during GIP. (If i can get A- for both my modules which are examed in chinese... it means it really is not failable...)

so during the graduation ceremony... he wasnt given a graduation certificate because he only submitted one essay. another girl who submitted only 1 of the 2 essay still received a certificate of completion... so why did he fail? maybe because he skipped too many classes or he was always late... but its not maybe... he is like that...

so the professor requested that he submit another essay so that he could pass the course. what did he do? he went to ask someone from the other university (fudan) to give him an essay so he can use it for "reference".

he got jianyou's copy and said he needed to thank him so he went into him room and searched for something to give him as thanks. he found a book that was given at graduation which contained all the essay written by the GIP students and bound together to form a book and wanted to give it to jianyou. jianyou rejected because it was bulky and took up too much baggage space.

then he went back to his room to source for something else... and what he found? a bottle of listerine... free sample piece. but jianyou rejected saying he didnt use stuff like that.

then back he went again... and he came out... with a packet of wet tissue. the one they give at restaurants with one piece inside.

lol... some ppl...


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, i chanced upon your blog while searching for ntu gip so i saw your entry abt gip, do u think i could interview u regarding gip? cos i'm doing an article for nanyang chronicle about gip and need some input frm students, and its really hard to find ppl who've gone for GIP! if u dont mind being interviewed (thru email!), pls drop me an email at thanks so much!


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