ben's place

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Victor Post Part 2

The amount of stuff we have for victor is getting lesser now... in a way... it should be a good thing. Reason? One day in office when carmen and victor were together, one of the office staff came to them and asked who's free to.... before she could finish the sentence, victor put up his hand. It's good to be enthusiastic, makes NTU look good ya... erm... not really when you complain about the thing you volunteered for is just data entry and it's damn boring. so now lesser interaction with carmen and yanwen... now lesser stories.

so now for victor stories from his house mates.

First thing that I found out is that he is a night owl and he sleeps damn late. there is one living room in his house and he takes it up by himself watching movies and drama serials. In my house here, everyone is watching it together but there should be a reason why his house mates commented that he watches those shows alone until about 3 to 4 in the morning. Then the first thing they see when they wake up the next morning? The lights all on (tv if i not wrong is also left on), the toilet stuck and about to overflow, the main door left wide open... and ya... we have to pay for the utility bills.

His house mates also feel quite weird around him now. They wake up to go for lunch together to find him sleeping, they come back and still find him sleeping till like 4 in the afternoon... where got people go China and don't go around to explore. But ya... that's him. When they cook dinner together, he decides to be anti-social and go out buy dinner for himself.

And so one day, he decides to start this conversation;
Victor: hey, can my friend come over to stay for a few days?
Housemate: your friend?
Victor: ya
Housemate: your friend from?
Victor: from online
Housemate: from online?
Victor: ya, met from this site, haven't met the person before.
Housemate: so how long do you know this person?
Victor: about 3 days.
Housemate: and you want him to stay at our place?
Victor: it's a girl, so i think it should be alright. I joined this site and we are required to let other people stay at our place
Housemate: erm... you go ask the others can?

So the final verdict?


To think i felt bad seeing him go for dinner alone... i thought his housemates pangseh-ed him and they were damn evil. but ya... he pangseh-ed his housemates. sigh...


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

glad to hear that victor is not causing so much trouble at work. ha anyway after reading your 1st post on him, i decided to go talk to him on msn and yar tell him indirectly he should work hard and be good haha~


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